The Smash Band Experience is a Jam-based adult program for all levels of experience. So…If you want to improve your Music Skills, Jam out, or just Sing Along, The Smash Band Experience is a fun, easy going, and professional way to rock out! Each Jam Session is led by pro musicians to guide you through your musical journey. All instruments and levels are welcome! The Band Experience At Smash Studios on 36th Street and 8th Ave is an amazing way better your musical abilities, while also having an enjoyable, safe, and professional experience.

Learn An Instrument While Jamming In A Band
-All sessions led by an SBE Professional Who will lead each band, individually instruct Members as needed, and adapt each session to the abilities and direction Smash bands want to experience.
-Themed Sessions Include: Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, The Grateful Dead, James Brown, Prince, Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine, Metallica, Brandi Carlile, Harry Styles, And Even Original Music.
-Held In Famous Pro Studios In the Heart of Manhattan
-All Levels
-All Instruments
-No Pressure Fun Experience
-Team Building Through Music for Companies
-Instruments Available For Rent
-Private Lessons Available Upon Request
Per Session and Monthly Packages Available
Call Or Email Us Here To Sign Up Or Get More Information
Sessions Start Mid-September and Continue Weekly

For more information